

BioPolymers, Automated Cellular Infrastructure, Flow, and Integrated Chemistry Materials Innovation Platform (BioPACIFIC MIP)

BioPACIFIC MIP is a platform dedicated to scalable production of bio-derived building blocks and polymers from yeast, fungi, and bacteria. Automated high-throughput synthesis and characterization of bio-derived polymers aims to accelerate discovery and speed development of new high-performance materials.



2D Crystal Consortium - Materials Innovation Platform (2DCC-MIP)

The 2DCC-MIP combines a vibrant in-house research effort focused on transformative advances in the synthesis and characterization of 2D chalcogenide layered materials with a robust external user program that provides access to expertise and state-of-the-art facilities. The 2DCC-MIP platform enables cutting edge research and discovery, across in-house research and the user program, on the synthesis and characterization of 2D chalcogenide materials by a national user community guided by four science drivers: Physics of 2D Systems, Epitaxy of 2D Chalcogenides, Next-generation 2D Electronics, and Advanced Characterization and Modeling.




GlycoMIP is an NSF-funded national user facility and multidisciplinary research program that addresses scientific and technological bottlenecks in glycomaterials research. A partnership between Virginia Tech, the University of Georgia, Brandeis University, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, and The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, GlycoMIP accelerates glycomaterials discovery and development through leading-edge research and a state-of-the-art user facility.



Platform for the Accelerated Realization, Analysis, and Discovery of Interface Materials (PARADIM)

PARADIM helps users design and create new interface materials — materials that do not exist in nature — with unprecedented properties for the next generation of electronic devices. Creating new interface materials with unprecedented properties, by design rather than by serendipity, is accomplished in PARADIM through a synergistic set of user facilities dedicated to theory (figuring out where to put the atoms for useful behavior), synthesis (putting the atoms in the targeted positions), and characterization (seeing that the atoms are indeed in the desired positions).



National Science Foundation

Division of Materials Research

2415 Eisenhower Avenue

Alexandria, VA 22314

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